Friday 20 September 2013

The Dark Night Rises 

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Poster

Pre Production 
This film is a sequel to Batman Begins and Dark Knight which have all been directed by Christoper Nolan. The Dark Knight Rises is a production from Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures, with an estimated $250 000 000 budget. This film has Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine as the a list stars.

The Dark Knight Rises was mainly filmed in Downtown, Los Angeles, California. Some of the filming was done in studios such as the batcave scene, that was filmed in Sony Pictures Studios and other parts of the film was filmed in places all across the world. Christopher Nolan had problems casting Selina Kyle (catwomen) as they didn't have an idea of who would be right for the role, eventually they had some tests with Anne Hathaway and she blew then away. They also had a problem casting bane as they believed no one would want to play that role and they struggled with his voice as it would be covered in a mask. They fixed this when tom hardy wanted the role as he fit the character perfectly. 

Post Production
This is the first batman film to not really on special effects as it is the first to have a really heavy characters and not spend its money on producing special effects. The main scene of special effects was the scene at the football stadium, to produce this scene they mainly used cg special effects but most of it was stunning stunt work and physical effects. 3D was not added to this film as 'nobody likes 3D' because of high ticket prices, bulky, uncomfortable glasses, dim pictures and literal headaches. I can not find any information to prove that The Dark Knight Rises required any re-shoots. 

The first step of The Dark Knight Rises marketing began with a story of batman going round the world painting bats in urban scenes, this then was followed by the locations of all of them and people were told that once a photo of every bat had been received the trailer would be released. This sparked people to find them and it took less than a day for all to be received and the trailer was released. Some other ways  they marketed this was in the generic ways of posters and trailers. They also sent the bat mobile to different places promoting the movie by giving out handouts and letting people enter competition to win cinema tickets. The Dark Knight Rises premier was on the 16th of July in New York City.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Film Production

Development - This is simply the process of 'finding' a story. Ideas for films come from a variety of sources, they can range from novels, real life events to computer game adaptations. Once you've got an idea you'll need someone to write a pitch for you which you take to a film producer in an attempt to get some funding to make your film. Even at this very early stage you need a very clear idea of who you're aiming you film at so you can include elements that will appeal to them.

Pre-production - Once you've got funding you establish your budget and can begin to get a film crew together, you can storyboard the script. You also need break the script down into individual scenes and identify all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects needed.

Production - This is simply the process of 'making' the film. Provided you've done your job properly in the pre-production stage making the film should be straight forward. 'Film' is very expensive and difficult to store so an increasing number of film makers are using digital cameras to save money.

Post-production - During this stage you take all the 'film' you've shot and give it to a film editor. They will then begin putting it together. Special effects will be added, a soundtrack will be added, any missing dialogue will be re-recorded and added resulting in a 'rough cut'. This will be shown to the director and a test audience who will offer feedback. Often this causes scenes to be filmed and added or removed.

Scene 1 - The Idea

The idea for a film can come from anywhere, it could be a remake of an older film, a reboot of an older film, from factual events, from original ideas, from children's toys or comics and it could be an adaption. After the idea is created the producer has to give the all clear. After the producer a directer has to be chosen to make the idea a reality. Once the director has visualized the film a writer steps in to make the plot more realistic and then produce a treatment which is a one page description of the film. After these steps have been completed the script is commissioned. 

Scene 2 - Development finance 

Producers have to approach the development company for money to develop the script using the treatment and pitch. if the producer decides to not develop the film the producer can offer the future sale and broadcast rights. If the development company doesn't give the producer money they can go to the UK Film Council for a development grant and if that doesn't work the producer can pitch the idea to private investors. 

Scene 3 - Script development

To start the script development the writer produces a synopsis which they have to agree with the producer on then the script will start to be produced. There are many ways to write a script but most writers follow a step by step guide but the hardest part is the first draft. Once the first draft is completed it has to be sent to the financiers which have their own ideas to contribute after this has happened the first draft becomes a final draft and the writer finally gets paid. To finish the script development a sales development has to be created.

Scene 4 - Packaging

The producer and directer start the packaging by packaging the script into a full commercial proposition, one way to do this is to attach a list stars to the script. Once this has happened heads of departments meet with the financiers to clout the script. After this a budget plan must be drawn up and investors must be told how there money will be spent and how they will get it back. The producer has now packaged the script and it needs opinions from others.     

Scene 5 - Financing

Firstly the producer needs to secure investments and this may mean travelling the world to meet investers the producers lawyers may travel with them to write up a contract for the investors. Money can also be made from pre sales of the rights of the film. Money can be sourced from special departments of banks which are specialized to invest in films, and financiers insist on that a completion bond is in place for insurance. Once the budget has been made the green light is given.  

Scene 6 Pre-Production

Pre-production starts with a kick off meeting, this consists the heads of departments getting the shooting script and then beginning the pre-production. Once this meeting has held place the long process of casting begins and then the blueprints for each shot are drawn up. After this the production manager plans every aspect of the film and employs people to help with this. These shots are relatively easy to effect shots because effect shots have to be planned in much more detail and it could take months to design and build. To finish the first assistant director, the line producer and the production manager make a key logistic triangle of the production.

Scene 7 - The Shoot

To start the shoot, shooting begins and funding is released then the shooting department get ready for the shooting of the footage that the director and editor need. After the cameras are in place the lighting and sound have to be set up then finally hair and make up have to be checked. Once everything is in place the acting begins, the hardest part of acting is the special effects as these need to be carefully planned with minimum risk to the cast and crew. Film productions are set to a tight schedule and if it falls behind the financiers and insures step in.

Scene 8 - Post Production

Once the processed footage comes in the editor can start to assemble the scenes and a native sequence for the film. After this has finished the work on audio begins and to follow the digital effects are added by special effects compositors. After the digital effects have been added the titles and credits are added. The final stage of the picture edit is the colour and fine aesthetics are carefully adjusted. Once the picture edit is complete the sound goes to a dubbing theatre for the final levels to be set. Finally the film reaches final cut and it is put into full lock and copies can now be made.

Scene 9  - Sales

To start of sales a sales agent has to be employed, they are specialists in film sales. After they have been hired a trailer is made to captivate the audience and now the sales agent and producer combine all they need to sell there film. The film market is vast so the film has a lot of work to do to attract people, one way to do this is to make a viewing at a top rated film festival. The product now can be sold to distributors across the world.

Scene 10 - Marketing 

To help with the marketing a marketing team is put together, this consists of a sales agent and a specialist in film sales. The key part of marketing is knowing the audience, this can be gauged from running test screenings. The specific audience is now selected and the advertising and media input can be stemmed around this group. For the film to be in cinemas the distributor has to arrange deals with cinemas to screen it.

Scene 11 - Exhibition

The start of the exhibition of a film usually begins with the premier which is a reason for the media to come out and get the film into the eyes of the audience again. The distributors then deliver the necessary film prints to the cinemas screening the film. The exhibitors then take part of the box office receipt, this is included in the distributors bill. After the distributors have been paid the financiers can recover their money from the recoupment schedule.

Scene 12 - Other Windows

Additional revenue can also come from hotel showings and in flight films on airlines. The main sum of money comes from the sales of DVDs which people spend more money on than cinema tickets. Another way of making additional revenue is to sell game rights for the film. Once the profits have been made the key people in the making can receive their rewards. There can always be income coming in from a film even if it means re-releasing it.

Friday 6 September 2013

My Representation

I'm A Townie

I represent myself as a townie because i think i am mainstream and i do not stick out from the crowd. I may not keep up to date with the celebrity gossip but i like football and love to drink. I am definitely not a Chavers as i don't experiment with drugs. Its fine by me to follow the trends but i don't go as far as the trendies or the hipsters. I also class myself as a townie because i mainly follow the trends of river island while listening to the top 40. Another thing to prove that i am a townie is that TV is a big part in my influence, this  persuades what i do a lot. 

Thursday 5 September 2013

Representation Of 3 People

The Man - Doug Bihlmaier

Initial ideas
My initial ideas of this man was that he was a lower class white american aged 50-60. I guessed his age from his white beard.I also assumed that he was poor as he has patched up clothes and it looks like he is scruffy with his beard. 

In reality this is the man who designs the Ralph Lauren stores and this is his own style. If you look closely at the image there are many things that point out that he is not a 'tramp'. One of these is that he is standing on Madison Avenue, this is one of the main shopping streets in New York, another is that his cloths are immaculate and his trousers are carefully rolled up at the bottom. The roll ups almost look like have been ironed in place another thing about his trousers is that the patches are carefully stitched and they are not frayed meaning they have been cut perfectly. His checkered shirt and cardigan are the right size for him and his shoes are Red Wing or similar and those are not cheap. In this picture Doug Bihlimer is simply out for a cigarette break in front of Ralph Lauren's store.

The Man 2 - Ted Bundy     

 Initial Ideas 
My Initial ideas of Ted Bundy were that he is an upper class white american who is about 40-50. I guessed his age due to the way he is dressed. I also presumed that he is well read and is smart and intelligent.

In reality Ted Bundy is the most prolific serial killer in america, he kidnapped, raped and killed at least 36 women and quite possibly more. Ted Bundy died at the age of 42 because he was caught and executed. He had been active in his area since he was 16, raping and killing women from that age. Some of my initial ideas were actually true because Ted was well read, smart and intelligent and this helped him with his many killings. This is one of Ted Bundys better pictures because in others he looks like a crazy person, this was taken in his later years of his life at most probably at court hearing. 

The Women - Anna Piaggi

Initial Ideas
My initial ideas of the women are that she was a bizarre and eccentric. I also thought that she was about 50 and she was middle to upper class. Initially I also thought she looked like a man who was dressed up as a women.  

In reality Anna is an Italian fashion writer and style icon who was renowned for being eccentric and only wearing an item of clothing once. Anna died in 2012 at the age of 81 after a life of writing in magazines such as the Italian Vogue  Anna was so renowned in fashion that designers would give her clothes to wear for free just so she was seen wearing there label. Some of my initial ideas were correct because she was very bizarre but she was not about 50 when this picture was taken, she was in fact in her 70's.   

There is a saying which says 'mise en scene' which means everything in the frame. This means look at everything in the scene and pay attention to every detail not just what you see at face value. 


5 Favourite James Bond Films
1. Skyfall - Daniel Craig
2. Tomorrow Never Dies - Pierce Brosnen
3. Octapussy - Roger Moore
4. Diamonds Are Forever - Sean Connery
5. Casino Royele - Daniel Craig

5 Favourite American Comedy Series
1. The Big Bang Theory
2. Rules of engagement
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. Friends
5. Scrubs

5 Favourite Xbox 360 Games
1. Call Of Duty Franchise
2. Grand Theft Auto Franchise
3. Fifa Franchise
 4. Saints Row Franchise
 5. Halo Franchise

5 Favorite Songs
1. Wake Me Up - Avicii
2. Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
3. I Love It - Icona Pop
4. Burn - Ellie Goulding
5. Work Hard Play Hard - David Guetta

5 Favourite Comic Book Heroes
1. Iron Man
2. Hulk
3. Captain America
4. Thor
5. Human Torch - Fantastic 4